
The Schedule of Sac-Anime Update

Barely into 2012 and it’s already shaping up to be a great year! I’ve been working slowly on revamping the site, and I’m sure you have noticed that it looks quite different now.  I’m still working on streamlining some sections to make browsing easier.  Also working on adding the back log of costumes and photos from the last few months, and finishing up a new tutorial too.  In short a lot of new content coming in the next few weeks.
Coming up next month is AOD Feb 18-9th in San Francisco, CA.  I haven’t been in two years so it will be fun to go and see familiar faces.  If you see me come say hi!  I’ll be wearing a new Yoko outfit (one I made for SacAnime but it go to cold!) and I’ll be either making something new or bring one of the many costumes I would like more photos of. So we’ll see!  I’ll be sure to post a schedule on across my social media accounts.
Finally, SacAnime was last weekend and I had a blast! One of the best SacAnimes to date!! I got to wear a new costume, Super Sailor Venus.  I’m still waiting on getting photos back before I post it on the site.  I got the wonderful honor of being a cosplay masquerade judge again, and I must say you guys always impress me! Every time I have judged this con I’m always amazed how you problem solve your costumes!  So thank you the contestants (all of which were AMAZING AND MARVELOUS!) and the wonderful cosplay staff for having me.  I’ll be happy to come back anytime.  As for the rest of con I had a great time with my friends dancing, laughing and joking.  The people I see at SacAnime always make this con worth coming back to. I love you guys!

